The SGA/AGÉ advocates on behalf our students to external parties including the the City of Sudbury and provincial and federal governments. Additionally, the SGA/AGÉ is a member of the Ontario Undergraduate Student Alliance.
What is OUSA?

The Ontario Undergraduate Student Alliance (OUSA) represents the interests of approximately 150,000 undergraduate students at nine student associations across Ontario. OUSA is composed of nine member student associations with elected members from each making up a governing body referred to as the Steering Committee.
What Do We Do With OUSA?
OUSA works to create policy which governs their advocacy efforts within the provincial government. The SGA/AGÉ has worked on policies in the past such as Northern and Rural Students, Student Financial Aid, and Technology Enabled Learning. Each of these policies are used to lobby the provincial government on student needs and lead to important changes in post secondary education. For more information on these accomplishments, check out the Milestones page on the OUSA website!
Outside of the policy cycle, our President is a member of the OUSA Steering Committee. They attend all of the meetings and help guide advocacy from within the alliance. We also have one other delegated spot, based upon how many students attend Laurentian University, which goes to the SGA/AGÉ Vice President and allows them to attend the general assembly meetings as a voting member. These meetings allow for connection between the nine member student associations and for important advocacy work to be planned and carried out.
How Can I Get Involved?
You can attend the general assemblies in both the fall and spring as an observer delegate. You will be able to participate outside of a voting capacity. Alternatively, you can write for OUSA! There are often open spots for writing on OUSA’s blog page and in their journal Educated Solutions. Please contact our President to learn more about writing opportunities with OUSA!