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The SGA/AGÉ Emergency Food Bank provides access to food for students in urgent need. Please note that the food bank is not a free food service but rather an emergency service for those in urgent need of food who do not have the financial means to go elsewhere. ​

Given the recent soar in food bank use, coupled with the limited resources available, the SGA/AGÉ has implemented a new system to ensure equitable use of the food bank. We are implementing these changes to secure the long term viability of the food bank, ensure its proper use, and make sure all students have access to this emergency service when they need it.


In light of this, we ask that students looking to access the food bank fill out a short form. This form will help us to understand who is accessing the food bank, how often, and how we can better serve our students. Once you have submitted the form, we will respond to your request during our business hours. We will inform you of the outcome of your application and when you can come in to access the food bank.


Food Bank Application Form

If you have any questions do not hesitate to reach out to us at

If you are in need of a more permanent solution or long-term support we encourage you to reach out to any of the following resources:

Sudbury Food Bank

(705) 671-9663


Ontario Employment

(416) 326-5656


Feed Ontario

(416) 656-4100


Ontario Works

1 (888) 789-4199


Employment Services and Information for Newcomers to Canada

Click Here

Emergency Food Programs in Greater Sudbury

Click Here

YMCA Sudbury Employment Services

(705) 674-2324


Laurentian University Financial Aid Hotline

1 (886) 387-3879


The SGA accepts donations of non-perishable food items as well as hygiene products for the food bank. Donations can be dropped off to our front desk Monday to Thursday from 9am to 8pm and Fridays from 9am to 4pm.

If you would like to organize a drive for the food bank, please contact to arrange a pick up of the donation. 

We also accept monetary donations on our Go Fund Me page:

We thank you for your commitment to helping students in need.

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