We offer many funding opportunities for SGA/AGÉ students including the Student Initiative Fund, Additional Clubs Funding and the SGA Capital Campaign Bursaries.
Read on to find out more about each option!
Student Initiative Fund
Are you looking for funding to get a project started? Do you have a great idea for an activity or event but need money to make it happen? The SGA/AGÉ Student Initiative Fund offers financial support for projects that enhance the student experience and cultivate a sense of community at Laurentian University.
We recognizes that student initiatives help build a vibrant student life on campus, but oftentimes, students, groups/organizations, and academic groups do not possess the necessary financial resources to pursue their extracurricular endeavours. With this in consideration, the SGA/AGÉ has allocated a limited amount of funds to assist individual students and LU-recognized groups to bring academic, cultural, and recreational projects to life.
How to Apply:
1. Download the application form and fill it out
2. Send it to
Additional Club Funding
Is you club looking for funding to get an event, project, or initiative off the ground? Additional club funding offers financial support for SGA/AGÉ ratified clubs wanting to organize a project or initiatives that provide a tangible benefit to SGA/AGÉ members. If your club is not SGA/AGÉ ratified you can apply for ratification or fill out a Student Initiative Fund application instead. If you wish to apply for ratification you can get started by visiting our clubs webpage.
Ratified clubs help enhance student life on campus but often lack the necessary financial resources to pursue their ideas. With this in mind, the SGA/AGÉ has allocated funds to assist our ratified clubs to bring projects to life.
How to Apply:
1.Make sure your club is SGA/AGÉ ratified
2. Download the application form and fill it out
2. Send it to
SGA Capital Campaign Bursaries
In 1997, the SGA/AGÉ donated money to the University's Capital Fundraising Campaign. With these funds, 31 bursaries are awarded annually to SGA/AGÉ students. The value of each award varies each year.
In order to receive an award, recipients must be SGA/AGÉ members, Ontario residents as defined by OSAP, have financial need as defined by OSAP, be active in extracurricular activities and meet the other criteria specified by each bursary.
An application is required and students must submit a short statement outlining how they meet the criteria.
How to Apply:
Applications are available on the my.laurentian portal twice a year. Once in the Fall semester and once in the Winter semester.
To find our more visit your my.laurentian portal: